2022/04/14 【離岸風電徵才】National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)徵求實習生
『允能風力發電』下包商「National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)」,依非本國籍離岸風力發電船舶之船員雇用申請程序,擬徵數名台灣籍實習生與外籍工作船DLS-4200,徵才基本要求為TOEIC785分,其他資訊下方資訊。
工程名稱Project Name: WPD windfarm project
工作地點Working Location: Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm
船舶名稱Vessel Name: DLS-4200
工作期間Working duration: from 2022/05/01 to 2022/12/31.
(實際作業期程仍需視當時氣象與船東計畫之安排而定 The actual operation timeline would depend on the weather at that time and the arrangement of the vessel owner's plan.)
職級及資格及人數Required Rank/position & qualifications & required quantity: 請參閱附件內容。
工作待遇Working salary: 面議
福利Welfare: 依照船員法相關規定
應徵方式Apply for method: 來信應徵 (Junaid Mohamed / junaids@npcc.ae +971 2 3104540)